So let me introduce to you The Gnome Brothers Band – our new Christmas Clipart Graphics collection !
These fellows sing. They sing so you can see the bottom of their pants through the mouth 🤣
Joke aside the inspiration for these guys came from a concert of Sting’s “Last Ship” musical, where he invites the Wilson Family brothers. When I heard them sing for the first time my jaw dropped. They sing a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Go listen to it, these guys are amazing!
I discovered The Last Ship when it was released many years ago and never got to quite like it. You know, some music has to grow on you. Last summer I was searching for something new and stumbled on this amazing concert. Probably listened to it a few hundred times since 🙈

And here they are 🙂 singing Christmas carols.
Find the sets in all our shops Watercolor Nomads – Etsy – Creative Market
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